

Jun 04 2013

Learning to Study (Again)

Law-student-studying-007Are you taking a course that requires studying?


If it has been a while since you’ve been in that position, it can be a tricky one. Check out, Maintaining Self-Discipline During Your Studies, below:




“Maintaining Self-Discipline During Your Studies


Have you recently decided to return to studying after a long break? Perhaps it has been many years since you last found yourself in such a position, and now that you have enrolled on one of the Institute’s courses, you are hoping that you will feel enthusiastic right through to the end. Enthusiasm is a common emotion to feel at the start of a course of study, although it is sometimes difficult to maintain. Rest assured that there are ways in which you can control such emotions, and ensure that you remain steadfastly committed and enthused by the course.

First and foremost, it is imperative that you are 100% determined to achieve the qualification. You need to have the clearest idea for why you are taking this course in the first place and what it will mean to you if you see it all the way to the end. It is this passion and resolution that will help to maintain your self-discipline on the road that lies ahead.

Many people decide to take courses through the Institute in order to move forward on their dream career path. This alone can be all the motivation and inspiration you need to complete your studies. It is important to remain focused on your end goal, and maintaining self-discipline is the most important factor.

It is vital that you do not lose motivation and start to view the course you are taking as the bane of your life or as something that is hindering you in some way. Such a negative attitude will eventually consume you, and it will be unlikely that you see the course through to its conclusion. With this in mind, conceive a study plan that is entirely realistic for you. It is a good idea to sit down at the start of every week and ascertain how much time you feel you will need to allocate to your studies. As you progress through the course, you will become more adept at knowing how long you take on average to read through relevant sections and complete your coursework.

When you study for a course, you may be given an idea of the average amount of time a particular unit or section is likely to take you. You need to remember that this is based on the ‘average’; it is not carved in stone that you will take exactly the same amount of time. If you find that you are working your way through the units or sections much faster than this recommendation, it might be a good idea to check to make sure you have done everything expected of you and that you are actually taking in the points that need to be remembered. If you are taking much longer, you might just be a slower reader or more meticulous in the coverage of the material. Take note of these personal study habits.

Another important thing to remember is that everyone is different. Whilst some students may take to studying like a duck takes to water, others will not. This is because we all lead different lives; we have varying commitments and demands upon us and are only able to set a certain amount of time aside to our studies. Work with the amount of free time you have available and make a crucial balance between enjoying your studies and enjoying life.

Maintaining self-discipline for months at a time can be a difficult feat. But when you eventually have that certificate in front of you to prove that you have achieved your qualification, it really will make everything seem worthwhile, and the pride you will feel in yourself will rank as one of the best moments in your life.”



Speaking of courses, could your law firm use some continued education? Contact me to get your staff’s legal training started!