

Oct 02 2013

How to Succeed with Your Studies, Part I

General_Studies_webpage_photoAre you taking classes to further your education? Learning is always a great thing, but sometimes it can get tough. When it does, use these tips from the Legal Secretary Journal to succeed:


“Succeed With Your Studies (Part I)

There are times when it can be hard to focus on your studies. Sometimes the subject material might be particularly challenging, or sometimes there are unwelcome distractions or activities which appear to be more appealing than studying. It could be that it is simply not easy to concentrate at times. But you want to complete the course and do well, and you want to be able to look back after completing the course and know with a sense of satisfaction that you have achieved your best. So how can you best build and maintain that focus?

Have a really clear goal and remind yourself of it

Studies are important, and without them we would not gain the knowledge and skills we need. There will be reasons why you wanted to embark on the course in the first place, and keeping your goal at the front of your mind is a fundamental key which can help to unlock whatever it may be that is holding you back from the focus you need. Reminding yourself of the reasons underscores why the goal of completing the course is important to you and gives a positive aim which draws you forward towards it. So what is your goal? Are you really clear about what it is? What will it mean for you to complete the course successfully? How will you feel then? How will other people regard you? We all need a sense of achievement and competence in at least one area of our lives, so you can rightly regard successful completion of the course as a form of good emotional nutrition.

Reduce stress levels

There may be things in your life which are creating stress, and these can get in the way of being able to focus and concentrate. A good life balance is important, as it reduces stress and makes us more resilient, more able to concentrate and calmer. If the emotional (subconscious) brain is overloaded, it inhibits access to the thinking (conscious) brain and it is not as easy to analyse and use our rational powers. The memory improves with practice, and if you are able to calm the body and mind, you stay in intellectual control and your focus is enhanced. This intellectual control and accompanying confidence comes from improving emotional intelligence.

Prepare well

You need to have good preparation to successfully succeed in your studies by realistic planning, good organisation, effort, perseverance and a healthy lifestyle. This will maximise energy levels so that you can stay healthy and enhance your sense of confidence, concentration and understanding at the same time…”


…to be continued…


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