

May 23 2014

Get More Done In Less Time

Good morning,


Flickr/Kayla Kandzorr

Would you like to get more work done in less time? Check out this article from iaap and get some tips on how to change your thinking to get more done!


“Getting More Done in Less Time

Submitted by Emily Allen on Mon, 07/29/2013 – 11:47am


There area new ways to change your thinking to get more done in less time without being exhausted, depleted and overwhelmed. You can be a stellar employee and still go home and be cheerful in your non-work environment. You can experience more meaning and impact in this amazing life.

When we think the thought there’s not enough time, we trigger a fight or flight response. It’s a gift to warn us when we’re in danger. It allows us to react without thinking, which is great when you’re in actual danger.

However, research shows that many of us spend 80 percent of our time in fight or flight. We’re not in danger but we’re reacting without thinking. Anytime we think a thought that we don’t have enough, or that we’re under attack (think of work) the response is the same: fight or flight. We are in stress-mode all day. Which causes us to lose focus, problem solve and collaborate and be creating. All we do is problem solving. Those thoughts take us in the opposite direction from where we want to go.

Three simple steps:

1. Notice the trigger thoughts and pause. Just pause. Stop. Yes, stop. It will clear your head and focus your thoughts.

2. Replace your thoughts. Instead of entertaining the thoughts of “there’s never enough time” with thoughts that will serve you. Start to think, “there is enough time.” By thinking this you’re calmer, clear, peaceful and less stressed. Your focus is better. You treat the people around you better.

3. Make a language shift. What do you “have” to do today, not what you should do. What you have to do today is breathe, drink some water, eat (though we could survive without food for a while). You may be thinking “But if I don’t do I need to do today, I lose my house, job… “ Even so, that’s still a choice. Brain research shows us that every time we tell ourselves we have to do something, we have that fight or flight response. Shift it to “choose” then you take yourself out of the automatic reaction stages. Change the words at the top of your to-do list. Write instead: “Get to do.” Change your language to one of gratitude. You don’t “have” to go to the store, you “get” two go to a store that has an abundance of goods in a peaceful environment without bombs firing off. You have money to buy the good at the store. Change your thoughts and it changes your action.

Practice the Three Bs on Commitments in Your Life

  • Bag it. Am I doing this because I think someone wants it done? Then don’t do it. Throw it in a bag. Still ironing the sheets because your hubby likes it but you hate it? Bag it.
  • Barter it. Are you the only human being that can do this task that you don’t want to do but feel you must do? We say, “Yes, I’m the only one that can do this” but are we saying we’re the only ones that can do it right. There’s a vista of possibilities before us. Trade jobs with someone. You might both get a good deal.
  • Better it. Things we can’t bag or barter, such as going to the dentist, we can “better” by changing our thinking or the events that surround the distasteful task. Do something that loosens the negative energy that surrounds the event. Something that takes you out of the dread energy into something better.

What about big projects that are looming? Big projects are 300-pound boulders. We heft the boulder on our shoulders and carry it from point A to point B. That is the mindset most of us begin with when we are facing a big project.  How to we get away from feeling it’s so hard?

Instead of thinking of hefting it, lean against it and roll it. When you roll things, you’re getting momentum. Most of us make the mistake making the first three to four steps of any big project HUGE. We say: “I’ll get to that when I have four hours to dedicate to it.” So we put it off until the stress builds because the “chunk of time” theory says it has to be “big and hard” to count.

Not true.

Break the first three or four steps down into small steps. Jill calls the turtle steps. They are ridiculously easy.

Find out more about Jill on her website at www.jillfarmercoaching.com.”

Deanna Pepe Law Firm Trainer