

Jun 30 2014

Using LinkedIn On The Job

Good morning,

Photo credit: Flickr/Sheila Scarborough

Photo credit: Flickr/Sheila Scarborough

This article from iaap gives us three ways that an administrative assistant can use LinkedIn on the job. Check it out below.


“LinkedIn Isn’t Just for Job Seekers: Three Ways Administrative Professionals Can Use LinkedIn on the Job

Submitted by Madelyn Mackie on Thu, 06/12/2014 – 2:29pm


As an administrative professional, you are the gatekeeper, travel coordinator, expense tracker, concierge, scheduler, event manager and overall go-to person for everything. Every day is different and everyone knows you are the one who has all the answers.

Here are three ways LinkedIn can help you keep your reputation solid as a miracle worker:

  1. Maintain the gates – As the gatekeeper for your boss, it is up to you to make sure that rude sales representatives, desperate job seekers or just nosy people do not make it into his/her inner sanctum. Have you ever received a call, voice mail, or email from someone and you weren’t sure if that person should be allowed to pass? With just a name, you can use the LinkedIn search feature to find out if that person is a friend or foe.
  2. Find the expert – If you need an expert to provide insights for an upcoming project or proposal, you can do an advanced search on LinkedIn using keywords and geographical filters to find the right people to solve the problem. You can find out if they know anyone you know, review their recommendations and find their contact information. Before the next big meeting with a new client or vendor, arm your colleagues with a detailed report on each attendee. Simply export the LinkedIn profiles, print the PDFs and distribute.
  3. Find the best resources – Need to find the best hotel for traveling executives? Or the best expense tracking system? Or the best tips for coordinating multiple calendars? LinkedIn groups are your water cooler where you can talk with any number of administrative professionals who are dealing with the same issues. Just join the group, post your question, and your fellowadmins will share ideas, resources, and best practices to solve any problem. IAAP has a LinkedIn group with 29,000+ members ready to help.

So, create a profile, cultivate your contacts and activate your LinkedIn profile today.”

Deanna Pepe Law Firm Trainer