

Dec 20 2013

2013 Award Of Excellence Goes to Reba Peden, PP, PLS

Good morning,

I would like to congratulate the 2013 Award of Excellence recipient, Reba Peden. Read about her story in this article from NALS below.


“2013 Award of Excellence Recipient – Reba Peden, PP, PLS


By Allison Streepey, B.A., CRS, PLS
(originally published in @Law – Winter 2013-14)


2013 Award of Excellence Recipient Reba Peden, PP, PLS

“Outgoing, fun, friendly, serious, hard working, determined” are words used to describe Reba Peden, PP, PLS, the 2013 NALS Award of Excellence (AoE) recipient. It is easy to understand why. Reba has worked in the legal profession for over 27 years and has been a very active member on all levels of NALS for 16 years. She has devoted countless hours toward community service to help returning military personnel and children at risk, promote breast cancer awareness and heart health, as well as serve the soup kitchen ministries and the Boy Scouts. With loving support from her family and many friends and cheerleaders in NALS, Reba Peden is now our representative of excellence in the legal field. NALS 2013-2014 President Doris Compton, PP, PLS describes Reba as “a thorough legal professional, one who set her eyes on a goal, made developing additional professional skills a high priority, while maintaining her continuing legal education, never losing sight of the ultimate reward. Reba has been an inspiration to others, always providing encouragement and support, assuming leadership roles when necessary, or lending a helping hand when needed.”/span>


Reba said, “I am honored and humbled to have been a NALS AoE finalist three times and I am floored to be the AoE recipient for 2013. Thank you to all of the folks who kept pushing me and all of my cheerleaders—especially those from Alabama—who kept me mostly sane during the waiting. NALS has been good to me for many years and I look forward to continuing the relationship for many years to come.” Jamie Roddey, Certified Professional Legal Assistant, and member of NALS, says that Reba “lives and breathes this association and the ideal of this honored competition which makes her truly deserving of this award.” We know this is true by looking at her professional career, NALS service record, and community service.


Legal Support Professional

For the last ten years, Reba has worked as a litigation secretary/paralegal at Brunini, Grantham, Grower & Hewes, PLLC, in Jackson, Mississippi. She is now self-employed as a contract legal assistant. Reba describes her new role as a freelance paralegal as working “either in an attorney’s office or from home on special projects or to fill in for a paralegal who may be out on maternity leave or for some other reason. All work done is under the supervision of an attorney, otherwise it would be the unauthorized practice of law (UPL).” D. Johnson-Webster, freelance/contract and virtual legal assistant says, “in working with Reba in the same practice group, I found her advanced knowledge, skill level, spirit of cooperation, and professionalism offered a teamwork atmosphere resulting in continuous quality service to the law firm clients and legal community.” This advanced knowledge came from Reba’s years of service to NALS . . . the association for legal professionals and dedication to community service.


NALS Life and Growing a Career

When asked, “What do you wish other people knew about NALS?” Reba said, “I wish they knew what a caring group of folks we really are. I wish they knew how much continuing education could mean to them and their advancement in the legal field. I wish they knew what a great bunch of friends they could make and the level of professionalism of NALS members nationwide. You cannot find better education or networking opportunities in any other association. If you are active on all levels, you will more than pay for your dues in friends across the entire country who are always there to help when you need them.” Reba said her greatest career achievement is “knowing that through education, certification, and networking through NALS, I have gained the confidence to know that I can do anything I am asked to do, though it may be with a little help from my NALS Pals.”


One of the most important lessons she has learned about having a legal career is “it all pays the same. No matter what task you are given in the law office, be it drafting a legal document or making coffee for the boss, do it with a smile. Your title is just that, a title. It does not define who you are or what you do. That is one of the things I love about NALS, we are all inclusive, you do not have to wear a particular title to belong, nor have I ever been looked down on as ‘just a secretary’ or had to bow down to someone because they were a ‘paralegal.’ We are all coworkers and each job has its own importance. I have worked in every position from receptionist to runner to legal secretary to paralegal to office administrator. No matter what title I had, I was never ashamed of it, nor did it keep me from performing whatever job needed doing at the time.” It is this positive attitude that shows a high level of professionalism that NALS members aspire to achieve.


Jamie Roddey describes Reba Peden as having a “tremendous influence on so many lives and in many venues. Reba is a hard-working, detail-oriented person. She approaches any task given to her with enthusiasm to successfully accomplish her assignment. She is outgoing, energetic, kind, and friendly and I have enjoyed knowing and serving with her through many years in NALS and our Mississippi Legal Professionals Association (MLPA). She is one to have in your corner at all times.” Reba also impressed NALS President Doris Compton, PP, PLS “with her caring and thoughtfulness for others.” These qualities are apparent in Reba’s service in the local, state, regional, and national legal communities and through her community service in her home state of Mississippi.



Jackson Legal Professional Association

Reba’s local chapter, Jackson Legal Professionals Association (JLPA), elected her secretary and president for two terms each. She headed up the Sisters-in-Law Helping Sisters-in-Law campaign for the Gulf Coast NALS members and their families following Hurricane Katrina. While studying for her PLS certification, Reba initiated the first chapter study group to prepare for the ALS and PLS exams and later the PP exam. Reba continued to chair the study group until she was named to the NALS Certifying Board. Chapter membership more than doubled in those years. While serving as chair of the Ways & Means Committee, Reba generated a profit for the first time for the chapter. In order to save money on printing expenses, Reba reinstated the Newsletter Committee and started sending the HindCite/Newsletter via email. Reba was named Member of The Year in 2001 for the JLPA chapter which had 135 members. She won the Award of Excellence and Member of the Year for JLPA.

Tri-County Legal Support Professionals Association

Jamie Roddey, Certified Professional Legal Secretary, reports that Reba became instrumental in organizing and chartering the Tri-County Legal Support Professionals Association (TCLSPA) in 2006. Reba served as charter officer, vice-president, president, treasurer, and alternate director of TCLSPA. She has held many appointed positions as chair or co-chair of committees such as the Court Observance, HindCite Newsletter, Nominations & Elections, and Humanitarian Committees. While a charter member of TCLSPA, Reba was very active in obtaining grants from the NALS Foundation for the various events like the first Boss of the Year/Award of Excellence Dinner and Court Observance. Reba won the TCLSPA Award of Excellence in 2008. While Reba was serving as an officer in the association, she still made time to start a bowling team and the Adopt-A-Soldier Program, where the members of the chapter sent packages to soldiers in the Middle East who were not receiving care packages from home.



Mississippi Legal Professionals Association

Reba was elected MLPA treasurer for two terms and president for one. She was the winner of the Award of Excellence for MLPA.  She was appointed as chair and co-chair to many committees, including Annual Meetings, Region 6 Meetings, Certification, Humanitarian, State Publications, Editor of The Profile, and was the executive advisor to the MLPA president. This has brought her many opportunities to speak at leadership training conferences in and outside of Mississippi. She changed the finance project from a silent auction format ($100-$200 profit) to a raffle ($440-$700 profit).



NALS Region 6

On the national level, Ms. Peden served as NALS Region 6 Director in 2010-2011. This region included six states—Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Missouri, and Texas. With over 1,100 members, Region 6 had more members than any of the other regions in NALS. Reba says, “Working with the six states was an experience I will never forget. It was so enlightening to go to other state and local chapters to see how they were run. During my term, the governance policy/documents of NALS were brought to a vote with drastic changes being made to make NALS a more viable association for the future. I was so proud of my Region for the grace and dignity these members showed in the process of the governance changes. Not everyone was happy, but the majority of the members voted for the change. The members of Region 6 continued to work within the new guidelines that were brought about and are determined to see NALS into the future. Thank you NALS members for my two years as Region 6 Director.”



NALS…the association for legal professionals

Reba Peden was also appointed in many committee leadership positions at NALS as chair and vice-chair, including Membership, Professional Development, Marketing, Education, and Certifying Board. Reba was involved when NALS had a big growth period with many accomplishments. These accomplishments still serve the members today. One accomplishment was to find every school in the U.S. with legal education programs to reach potential members and educators. The docket, NALS electronic monthly e-zine, was started. Reba worked with a team to have the NALS Certification Program accredited through the American Council on Education. She has written articles for the NALS e-News and @Law magazine. One of her greatest feats was to step in during an emergency and serve on two demanding NALS committees at the same time—Professional Development and Certifying Board.


Reba is currently serving as vice-chair of the NALS Education Committee, working to produce quality educational materials, seminars, educational resources, and webinars for our members and nonmembers alike in substantive areas of law. She has attended and taught several seminars and courses for NALS. Reba received two NALS Foundation Leadership Recognition Awards—for her personal efforts and for her chapter.



Community Service

For the past few years, Reba has chaired the MLPA’s humanitarian (community involvement) project. The group selected the Wounded Warrior Project to serve. Jamie Roddey said that Reba “has truly taken this wonderful, giving, group of service personnel, who have given so much for us into her heart and life. The projects in which we have been able to participate have had a resounding, life-changing effect on all of us who have been blessed to share in this endeavor. We have been even more blessed by giving to the soldiers.”


MLPA also implemented other military support programs including the Snowball Express and Hot Coffee Hunts for Heroes (HCHH) program for wounded veterans. Reba was honored with the presentation of the specially minted coin given to the soldiers who attended the HCHH functions at the MLPA 51st Annual Meeting in May 2013.


Max Phillips, representing the HCHH program, says that its Spring Turkey Hunts and Fall Deer Hunts for wounded veterans “have taken on a new level of excellence since Reba has brought her organization to support our efforts.” He describes Reba as a “rare individual with a spirit of sacrifice and compassion for others. She works tirelessly at every task and is an excellent role model for others to follow. Reba’s contribution to HCHH has been immeasurable and will continue to have a very positive effect on the success of our project as we move forward. We will be able to serve the needs of an increasing number of ‘heroes’ because of the influence of Reba Peden and the MLPA. For that, we are forever grateful.” Reba said, “I enjoy working with the MLPA members to support HCHH. HCHH is a local organization that works with wounded armed services members to enable them to have the opportunity to realize that they are not alone and to network with other armed services members.”


Reba has also served the community through Light the Night Walk for the Lukemia/Lymphoma Association, participated in breast cancer awareness activities through the American Cancer Society and Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. She has volunteered with the American Heart Association, Stewpot Ministries Soup Kitchen, and worked with the Boy Scouts of America with one of her previous attorneys. Reba was honored with the Strong River District Boy Scouts of America Award of Merit, the most prestigious award given on the district level.


In other legal service, Reba participated in the Organization Committee for the Paralegal Division of the Mississippi Trial Lawyers Association and was later elected to chair the Paralegal Division. She has been a Court Appointed Special Advocate for Children (CASA) to represent the child or children who are troubled, neglected, or abused.


NALS Life on a Personal Level

Reba had wonderful and memorable moments while preparing to take the NALS certification exams. “I took my PLS exam in St. Louis, Missouri, at a NALS Region 6 meeting. Along the way from Mississippi to Missouri, Stephanie Floyd, PP, PLS and Anita Campbell, PP, PLS grilled me for the entire six-hour ride. I received a certificate from them for CLE on the road to PLS. It was great. I took my Professional Paralegal exam in Tulsa at the NALS Professional Development Conference at the inaugural testing. That was very memorable too.”


What drives Reba to succeed is her mom, Frances Boyett (deceased), and her incredible work ethic. “My mom worked two and three jobs at a time to raise me. I never heard her complain about what she had to do to make a good life for us and she was always there for me. I wish she could have been here to see me win this award. She would have been so proud. She was always proud of all of my achievements.” (As we all are, Reba.)



Personal Interests

Reba relishes her time spent with her family. Reba has been married to James Peden for 35 years, has two grown children, and four grandchildren. She is a former Boy Scout Cub Master and has enjoyed being a host for German high school exchange students. In any spare time, she likes to read murder mysteries and paranormal suspense. Some of her favorite authors are Allison Brennan, Lisa Jackson, Heather Graham, John Grisham, Kay Hooper, and Karen Robards.



NALS and The Future

What does the future hold for Reba Peden? She said, “Well, since I am not quite old enough to retire, I guess my future holds a few more years in the legal field. I am a Life Member of NALS and will continue to participate in whatever way I am needed until I am too old to do so. My advice for any NALS member is that you get out of this association what you put into it. So go to the meetings on all levels. Get a mason jar and start putting your loose change in it today and by the next meeting you will have enough money to pay for the registration. Put back a little each pay period ($20 or more) and you will cover your travel expenses and hotel bill. If you cannot afford both national meetings, start with one a year. But the more you participate, the more you get out of it.”

One of the biggest professional challenges has come recently and being involved with NALS made it easier. “In the last few months, I have become a freelance paralegal and having the different tracks of law to choose from for education has been a godsend. I never know from one week to the next what field of law I will be working in, so having the opportunity to learn about different areas at the conferences and through the NALS education sessions is wonderful. Even before going out on my own, I have always relied on my NALS Pals to help me out when I needed information or a form or whatever and they have always come through to assist.” The best advice Reba ever got was “Just breathe! Seriously, in 1997 my friend, Anita Campbell, PP, PLS told me to join the local association. I did and this action made me better as a legal secretary/paralegal or any other support position in the legal field.”


In her letter of support for Reba Peden’s nomination for the NALS AoE, a fellow legal professional, Jamie Roddey, said that “Reba is most personable, caring, and well-liked and has made many lasting friendships across the country through her dedicated service to our multi-level association. She does not do anything ‘half-way’ and is a very principled and upright person. Having the privilege of calling her my friend is truly an honor. Reba will make us all proud to call her our NALS AoE recipient.” She already has.”

Deanna Pepe Law Firm Trainer